Wait a minute! I haven’t even booked yet, much less cancelled! But indeed it is important to keep some facts in mind. According to statistics, 50% of my luxury clients usually cancel and reschedule their trips due to a variety of personal reasons. Yet of course, you’re sure this wouldn’t happen to you. Rearranging your trip and finding a consultant willing to help you throughout the process is just as important as the details that go into initially booking your vacation. Here are some points to consider when choosing who you book your trip with:
- Buying a product and booking a trip is similar, but not the same. When booking a cruise online, you are essentially purchasing an agreement with a promise. Yet does this agreement meet your expectations?
- After purchasing your agreement, you verify your final confirmation. As often it happens, life changes can take place in your finances, health, or any personal situation. Who will help you adjust to these situations if all you can turn to is your original agreement?
- Clients usually book their vacations months in advance, during which time many uncontrollable factors can arise. Whether environmental, like the volcano ash cloud that halted many European flights last year, or political, such as worker’s strikes, it is impossible to control every situation. Even something simple, such as missing your cruise embarkation due to a traffic stop can ruin your whole vacation. Who would you turn to for help? A personal travel agent who you trust and know personally and may directly contacts your ship or an unknown person at XYZ.com?
In conclusion, be proactive when making your selection to cover all your possibilities. Before allowing online vendors to compete for the lowest bid, think about what you receive for your price. Who will handle all your vacation problems, leaving you with less headaches for you?